Monday, October 29, 2007

Meeting Tomorrow - den 31.Oktober - Mittwoch

There is a German Club meeting tomorrow in room 0611. We need to discuss the fundraiser, dues, designing t-shirts, and other things. Dues will be collected also. Bis Morgen!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Ein Tolles Video von Sandra Bullock: Sie spricht schönes Deutsch, oder?

I thought this was interesting, one of America's most famous actresses, Sandra Bullock, accepting a Bambi Award in Germany, in the German Language!

She speaks impressive German. Könnt ihr das verstehen?

Another cool link,, highlights the connections that bind Hollywood with Germany.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Meet our new New Officers!

At our meeting today we elected our new officers. Thanks to everyone for taking part in the nominations, volunteering, voting, discussion and everything else involved in becoming an officer of our club. Everyone was a good sport, and no doubt highly qualified to serve German club members, but you all have spoken and here are the officers:

Präsident: Andy F, Deutsch 4
Vice-Präsident: Andrew M., Deutsch 3
Schatzmeister: Cal F., Deutsch 2
Sekretärin: Sarah B., Deutsch 4
Assistenz-Sekretär: Mary G., Deutsch 2

Now, review the responsibilities of these positions in an earlier post

Next Meeting: How about next week? Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Die Kandidaten

So far the following have put their hats in the ring:

Präsident - Ashlea T. und Andy F.
Vice-Präsident - Brenna Y. und Andrew M
Schatzmeister - Michael S. und Andy F.
Sekretär - Sarah B.
Assistenz-Sekratär - Brenna Y.

Read their candidacy information, and be at the meeting on Wednesday for the vote!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


We almost have enough people to fill our officer positions. Brenna is running for two positions, vice-president and assistant-secretary. So we minimally need one more person to fill our leadership team of the Deutschverein!

I will begin to collect $5.00 dues at our next meeting, on Wednesday, October 17. Please bring either cash or a cashier's check or money order. Dues are mandatory for participating in club activities, and donations are happily accepted.

Look at the left hand side of the screen and see a couple of polls. Express yourselves! I am experimenting with these to get feedback, and I am sure the officers would use it also for their planning this year.

A Youtube Video of a German pop band - Die Prinzen

They were hugely popular in Germany and they still are.

Kandidaten für Präsident

I am running for president of German Club because I love the language and culture. I have taken German for 4 years. I've also visited Germany and Austria multiple times; this really contributed to my cultural knowledge of German-speaking countries. After I get my college degrees, I aspire to move to Austria, so I think that being immersed in German as much as possible is a smart idea. I am an Junior this year, and I've been in German Club for my past 2 years at Enloe. I'm dedicated, passionate, a great leader, and I love the language and culture. If you vote for me, I will do my best to make German Club successful and fun!

--Ashlea, Deutsch III

I am running for der Präsident this year for German Club. I have been a part of German club for the past two years and would like to push the program to its full potential. In the past, the German Club met every few months and was unorganized, but with a little work the club could become much more. I have also been to Germany, Austria and Switzerland so I have alot of background knowledge. I have a lot of leading experience and have gotten all A's in my 5 years of German so far. I look forward to having the opportunity to be the German Club Präsident.

~ Andy (Deutsch IV)

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Kandidaten für Vicepräsident

While everyone else was taking French and Spanish I decided to take German my sixth grade year. So far this choice has been one of the best I've made, since German inspired me to travel to Germany. I've also accomplished a lot through German. I won in extemporaneous speaking and poetry at German day. I also got the project C.A.F.E . award for German. I believe I could be a good Vice President because I'm dedicated, passionate, willing to learn, and committed. Some aspects of German should be taken seriously but German club is meant to be fun and a way to learn about a culture without being tested on it. If you vote for me I believe I could help make German club fun and successful.

Brenna - Deutsch 2

Ich heiße Andrew Moghaddam. I would like to run for German Club vice-president. I believe I am well suited to be your Vicepräsident. In the sixth grade I decided to take German to get a different experience. I took German even though most of my friends were taking spanish. I have been in German for a total of five years now. I'm a sophmore who is responsible, dedicated, and hard-working. I was born in Germany and have been back once so I have experienced the German culture, Bahns, pubs, und schnitzel von ein imbissbudde (snack stand). I want to make German Club a fun enviroment filled with laughter, friendship, and fun.
Thank you,
Andrew Moghaddam (Deutsch III)

Friday, October 5, 2007

eine Kandidatin für Assistenz-Sekretärin

Der Assistenz-Sekretär
While everyone else was taking French and Spanish I decided to take German my sixth grade year. So far this has been an excellent choice. I take German seriously but also like to have fun while learning about Germany and the culture. I'd make a good assistant to the secretary because I'm responsible, passionate, dedicated, and experienced. I've attended German day, where I won in extemporaneous speaking and poetry, was nominated for project C.A.F.E because of German, and went to an overnight German retreat. Vote for me and I'll help make German club 07-08 the best German club year yet!

Thursday, October 4, 2007


Kandidaten für Schatzmeister:

I'm Michael S. (Deutsch 2) and I'm running for Treasurer. I'll be good at it 'cause I'm really organized and good with numbers. I'm also good at writing business letters and I think that we should get some funding from some German companies.

I am running for Schatzmeister this year for German Club. I have been a part of German club for the past two years and would like to push the program to its full potential. In the past, the German Club met every few months and was unorganized, but with a little work the club could become much more. I have a lot of leading experience and have gotten all A's in my 5 years of German so far. Also, I work at a snack bar where a lot of money is handled and detailed tables are maintained. I look forward to having the opportunity to be the German Club Schatzmeister .
~ Andy (Deutsch IV)

eine Kandidatin für Sekratärin

eine Kandidatin für Sekretärin

I would like to run for secretary of German Club. This is because I love writing and I am very passionate about german. I would like to be a german teacher, so I believe I should be as involved in german as possible. Also I have been a member of german club for the past 2 years, so I feel I am very experienced. I will attend every meeting and do all duties as necessary. I am a good leader, and I also like to help people, so I feel I am very well suited for this position. I also am in German IV so I know german well enough so I could help when we would do german activities. I would really like this oppourtunity to serve as secretary of German Club!

Sarah B. -- Deutsch IV

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Der Enloe High School Deutschverein

Den 3. Oktober 2007 – unsre erste Versammlung
Offiziere wählen
Nominations for Officers will be accepted.

Der Präsident – sets the agenda, leads meetings, organizes activities in consultation with the sponsor of the club and the other officers.

Der Vicepräsident – assists the president in organizing and executing meetings.

Der Schatzmeister – keeps track of the finances of the club, gives reports to club members and officers, assists in writing receipts for monies collected. Assists the secretary in his duties.

Der Sekretär – writes meeting notes, takes attendance at meetings, assists in updating club website, documents club events with picture taking and videography

Der Assistenz-Sekretär – assists the secretary and vice president in organzing club activities, writing letters, updating website, multimedia, etc

If you are interested in being an officer, send me an email with a brief sketch of why you are well-suited for the position. Describe your experience, ideas, level of commitment.

I’ll post these comments at our website address above

Voting will be done in German class in a secret ballot.

Dues: 5 Dollars, with donations throughout the year for various activities.
