Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Der Enloe High School Deutschverein

Den 3. Oktober 2007 – unsre erste Versammlung
Offiziere wählen
Nominations for Officers will be accepted.

Der Präsident – sets the agenda, leads meetings, organizes activities in consultation with the sponsor of the club and the other officers.

Der Vicepräsident – assists the president in organizing and executing meetings.

Der Schatzmeister – keeps track of the finances of the club, gives reports to club members and officers, assists in writing receipts for monies collected. Assists the secretary in his duties.

Der Sekretär – writes meeting notes, takes attendance at meetings, assists in updating club website, documents club events with picture taking and videography

Der Assistenz-Sekretär – assists the secretary and vice president in organzing club activities, writing letters, updating website, multimedia, etc

If you are interested in being an officer, send me an email with a brief sketch of why you are well-suited for the position. Describe your experience, ideas, level of commitment.

I’ll post these comments at our website address above

Voting will be done in German class in a secret ballot.

Dues: 5 Dollars, with donations throughout the year for various activities.

Website: http://enloedeutschverein.blogspot.com/

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